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Category: China teasgreen - China Yunnan Xishuangbanna NAN NUO YIN LUNG (SILVER DRAGON) Superior (raw puerh)

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Special Offer
China Yunnan Xishuangbanna NAN NUO YIN LUNG (SILVER DRAGON) Superior (raw puerh)
Code: 356
10g2.10 EUR
50g5.90 EUR
100g10.80 EUR
free sample

China Hunan ANHUA MAO JIAN Special Green Tea

The top quality Chinese green tea from the early spring crop before the Qing Ming Jie Festival (also known as the Pure Brightness Festival or the Tomb-sweeping Day), grown in the Anhua county known for it's other famous green tea - Song Zhen.

A neat leaf, loosely rolled and twisted with a ratio of tips.

Infusion of a body, rich, complete, floral-sweet, grassy taste with a pleasant, slightly nutty flavour.

Preparation tip: warm the teapot, add a tea filter with 6 – 7 g of tea, pour 0.3 l of water about 80°C warm, steep for 2 – 2.5 minutes. Another steep is possible.
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China Jiangxi LU SHAN GREEN MONKEY - Special Green Pekoe

China Yunnan Xishuangbanna NAN NUO YIN LUNG (SILVER DRAGON) Superior (raw puerh)
Code: 298
10g1.80 EUR
50g4.60 EUR
100g8.30 EUR
free sample
High quality Chinese green tea. A superior quality leaf Mao Jian type, tiny, rather firmly twisted leaf.

China Yunnan LINCANG WHITE DOWNY Green Tea

China Yunnan Xishuangbanna NAN NUO YIN LUNG (SILVER DRAGON) Superior (raw puerh)
Code: 308
10g1.70 EUR
50g4.10 EUR
100g7.10 EUR
free sample
Good quality green tea from the spring crop , picked at the Lincang area.

China Guangxi WHITE MONKEY Special Green Tea

China Yunnan Xishuangbanna NAN NUO YIN LUNG (SILVER DRAGON) Superior (raw puerh)
Code: 354
10g2.00 EUR
50g5.50 EUR
100g10.00 EUR
free sample
Delicious Chinese green tea from the Zhenghe region. A superior leaf with some ratio of evenly rolled, quite robust, very downy with white tips and sweet greenish fragrance.

China Yunnan XISHUANGBANNA PU ERH Special (ripe)

China Yunnan Xishuangbanna NAN NUO YIN LUNG (SILVER DRAGON) Superior (raw puerh)
Code: 367
10g1.50 EUR
50g3.20 EUR
100g5.30 EUR
free sample
A higher basic leaf grade of post-fermented tea from the famous autonomous region. Infusion of a very good, sweetish, typically earthy taste.

China Yunnan Special PU ERH - small leaf (ripe pu erh)

China Yunnan Xishuangbanna NAN NUO YIN LUNG (SILVER DRAGON) Superior (raw puerh)
Code: 379
10g1.70 EUR
50g4.20 EUR
100g7.40 EUR
free sample
Excellent grade of Pu Erh tea, made of rather small golden tips and little fragile leaves. A very good, pleasantly earthy taste.

China Yunnan KING OF PU ERH (ripe pu erh)

China Yunnan Xishuangbanna NAN NUO YIN LUNG (SILVER DRAGON) Superior (raw puerh)
Code: 380
10g2.20 EUR
50g6.70 EUR
100g12.50 EUR
free sample
Top grade of this famous tea. A leaf of exclusive quality. Infusion of a delicious taste and an extraordinary health effect.

China Yunnan GOLDEN TIPPY PU ERH KING (ripe pu erh)

China Yunnan Xishuangbanna NAN NUO YIN LUNG (SILVER DRAGON) Superior (raw puerh)
Code: 382
10g2.20 EUR
50g6.70 EUR
100g12.50 EUR
free sample
Excellent grade of this famous additionally fermented tea. A quality leaf with some ratio of golden tips

China Hunan GAO SHAN SNOW DRAGON Green Tea

China Yunnan Xishuangbanna NAN NUO YIN LUNG (SILVER DRAGON) Superior (raw puerh)
Code: 389
10g1.60 EUR
50g3.70 EUR
100g6.30 EUR
free sample
Very good quality high mountain green tea from the spring crop. Infusion of a sweetly greenish taste with notable floral tones and a slightly astringent aftertaste, typical for high-mountain teas.

China Yunnan Xishuangbanna NAN NUO BEENG CHA 2021 100g (raw pu erh)

China Yunnan Xishuangbanna NAN NUO YIN LUNG (SILVER DRAGON) Superior (raw puerh)
Code: 799 007013
Price: 10.80 EUR
Velmi zajímavá třída čaje Pu Erh zeleného typu lisovaná do tvaru staré čínské mince - symbolu prosperity.

China Yunnan Xishuangbanna NAN NUO White Tea Cake 2019 50g (raw pu erh)

China Yunnan Xishuangbanna NAN NUO YIN LUNG (SILVER DRAGON) Superior (raw puerh)
Code: 799 007016
Price: 6.20 EUR
Výborná třída čaje Tuo Cha tmavého typu.

China Yunnan Lincang YONG DE PU ERH PALACE GRADE (ripe) (CZ-BIO-004)

China Yunnan Xishuangbanna NAN NUO YIN LUNG (SILVER DRAGON) Superior (raw puerh)
Code: 404
10g2.00 EUR
50g5.50 EUR
100g10.00 EUR
free sample

China WASHAN TF 7742 PREMIUM BEENG CHA 2019 357g (raw pu erh)

China Yunnan Xishuangbanna NAN NUO YIN LUNG (SILVER DRAGON) Superior (raw puerh)
Code: 799 197742
Price: 61.80 EUR

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