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 Code: 123 | |
Very good Darjeeling summer crop - second flush of high quality. Infusion floral and fruity, lightly spicy tippy taste with darker nutty flavour. | .jpg) Code: 242 | |
Yunnan black tea of a tippy character and the first quality grade. Infusion of a harmonious, excellent taste. | -superior-black-tea.jpg) Code: 243 000601 | |
High grade of Yunnan black tea. A long, wiry-rolled long leaf with a high ratio of golden tips, bright red-crimson infusion. | -imperial-black-tea.jpg) Code: 244 | |
Exclusive Chinese black tea from Bailing region in the Taim Mountains foothills, classified as one of the three most famous black teas of Congou type. |
 Code: 255 | |
Quality grade of Yunnan black tea, a bit loosely rolled leaf with a perceptible ratio of tips. | .jpg) Code: 256 | |
Very good quality grade of Yunnan black tea, a bit loosely rolled wiry leaf with a perceptible ratio of tips. |
-superior-black-tea-(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 750 | |
Exclusive tippy grade of famous and popular black tea, extraordinary quality, exceptional taste. | .jpg) Code: 775 | |
Excellent black tea from spring crop. Infusion of a full, rich, body, sweet-honey taste. |
.jpg) Code: 408 | |
| -special-black-tea.jpg) Code: 410 | |