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 Code: 352 | |
Excellent Chinese so-called “Buddha´s Tea” (Fo Cha) – green tea, coming from the sacred Buddhist Jiu Hua Mountain in the Anhui Province. | -superior-(raw-puerh).jpg) Code: 356 | |
The top quality Chinese green tea from the early spring crop. Infusuion of floral-sweet, grassy taste with a pleasant, slightly nutty flavour. | -superior-green-tea.jpg) Code: 369 | |
One of the most famous teas of “Cloud and Mist”. Infusion of a body, complex and complete, floral, tippy spicy, delicious lasting taste. |  Code: 377 | |
Superior quality grade of traditional green tea. A leaf of very good quality, infusion of a fine taste. |
 Code: 383 | |
Excellent quality grade of well-known green tea from the famous Yellow Mountains – the Huang Shan in the Anhui Province. | -superior-green-tea.jpg) Code: 384 | |
Excellent green tea of “Cloud and Mist” type from the En Shi area. Infusion of a fresh, body, well balanced, rich and smooth, flowery and spicy taste with light bittersweet finish. |
 Code: 761 | |
Excellent grade of black smoky tea Lapsang Souchong from the famous Wuyi Mountains in the Fujian Province. A longer, high quality leaf with high ratio of golden tips. Infusion of a full body, rich taste. | |