| |
 Code: 102 | |
Superior, top grade Darjeeling spring first flush. High quality leaf with a high ratio of tips, large and long twisted shape. An infusion of a fresh, markedly sweet spicy taste with light fruity notes. |  Code: 118 | |
Excellent Darjeeling spring harvest (first flush) of first class quality. Fresh yet full, rich well balanced, mouthfilling, floral and spicy taste, with herbal tippy flavours, delicious aftertaste. |  Code: 120 | |
Very good darjeeling spring crop (first flush) of top quality. Full and rich, balanced, complex, flowery spicy taste with fruity and tipsy tones. |  Code: 130 | |
Top quality srping crop (first flush) high-mountain tea from small mysterious Sikkim region north of Darjeeling. Whole, long, loosely twisted, tight rolled greener type leaf with high ratio of white tips (buds). |
 Code: 133 | |
First rate high-mountain tea from the Nepal part of Himalayas. Summer crop (second flush) of an exclusive quality. Infusion of a delicious, full and deep, pleasantly bitter-sweet taste with light honey tones. | .jpg) Code: 136 | |
First class nepal tea, first flush from the spring crop.  CZ-BIO-004 |
.jpg) Code: 137 | |
Exquisite Nepal green tea from the very early winter crop. Fresh and rich fruity taste, with pleasant lasting aftertaste.  CZ-BIO-004 |  Code: 147 | |
Top Assam spring crop first flush of the highest quality. Rich, well balanced, floral-sweet, pleasant taste. |
 Code: 148 | |
Top Assam spring crop first flush of the highest quality. Infusion of a body, rich, well-balanced, light floral, pleasantly bitter-sweet taste. |  Code: 149 | |
High quality Assam black tea of the ”broken” category. High quality grade leaf with higher ratio of golden tip. |
.jpg) Code: 155 | |
|  Code: 171 | |
Ceylon black tea of high grade and excellent quality, a leaf with a high ratio of tips, infusion of a honey-sweetish taste. |
 Code: 174 | |
Higher grade of Ceylon black tea of nice look and good quality. A dark and tiny, needle-like rolled leaf with a very high ratio of silvery tips. |  Code: 177 | |
Fine black loose leaf tea, bright, red-brown infusion of a full, earthy-astringent, decently sweetish taste. |
 Code: 189 | |
Black tea from the Caucasus Mountains popular for its strong and body taste and unique character. | .jpg) Code: 193 | |
Dobrá třída jávanského nížinného černého čaje, nálev silné výrazné chuti.  CZ-BIO-004 |
 Code: 194 | |
Black tea of Assam type, a very tiny leaf with a low ratio of golden tips. | .jpg) Code: 195 | |
Černý čaj assámského typu, velmi dobře svinutý list vysoké kvality s velkým podílem zlatavých tipsů.  CZ-BIO-004 |
-mi-xiang-superior-black-tea-50g.jpg) Code: 210 | |
Exclusive top grade of Taiwanese black tea, from the Yuchi area. An infusion of a delicious, full and complete, body and rich, honey sweet, sort of darker taste with hints of cocoa. | -superior-black-tea-30g.jpg) Code: 214 | |
Excellent grade of Taiwan oolong from the famous Jin Xuan cultivar. A lightly fermented leaf of high quality, rolled into uneven pellets of a sweetish spicy aroma. |
 Code: 216 | |
An excellent lightly fermented spring Taiwan Oolong from Zhu Shan region, made of the Jin Xuan cultivar (No.12). |  Code: 217 | |
Superior quality black tea from the Shan Lin Xi mounatin range. |
 Code: 218 | |
Excellent grade of Taiwan half-fermented tea, top quality leaf with a sweet spicy flavour. |  Code: 219 | |
A quality Taiwan green tea with higher contains of GABA. |
 Code: 229 | |
The top Taiwan Oolong tea of a darker type from the famous Ali Mountains (Ali Shan). A liquor of an excellent, complete, sweet taste with distinctively spicy tones and a noble aftertaste. |  Code: 232 | |
Velmi lehce fermentovaný polozelený čaj zpracovaný unikátním způsobem, list vysoké kvality, nálev lahodné chuti. |
 Code: 233 | |
The top Spring Taiwan Oolong, the least fermented oolong of all. |  Code: 253 | |
Particularly popular variety of Keemun tea. A leaf of the first quality grade and an atypical look, infusion of a delicious taste. |
 Code: 263 | |
Good basic grade of Chinese green tea aromatized with jasmine blossoms. Infusion of a yellow green, slightly pleasantly astringent, markedly jasmine sweet taste. |  Code: 268 | |
The highest grade of re-steeping green jasmine tea in this standard range. Excellent quality, a delicious taste. |
 Code: 269 | |
Quality single-steep jasmine green tea, known also as “Monkey King”. | -spring-special.jpg) Code: 277 | |
Excellent and rare grade of famous white tea from Fuding area. Traditionally pure tippy tea - Bai Hao Yin Zhen (Flowery White Pekoe, Silver Needle) from the early spring crop before the Qing Ming Jie Festival. |
 Code: 285 | |
Dobrá třída slavného polozeleného čaje. Stejnoměrně svinutý list světlejšího typu. Nálev lehce kořeněné, naptrně ovocné chuti. |  Code: 289 | |
Good quality grade of the semi-fermented ball-shaped oolong tea from Anxi area. Infusion of a good, quite balanced, light flowery fragrant taste. |
.jpg) Code: 291 | |
Zakladní třída tzv. perlového čaje - zhu cha.  CZ-BIO-004 | .jpg) Code: 292 | |
Vynikající třída tohoto slavného čaje zvaná "špendlíková hlavička", díky nebývale drobným lístkům svinutých do typických, velmi malých kuliček.  CZ-BIO-004 |
 Code: 297 | |
High grade of this famous tea coming from spring crop, a leaf of excellent quality. Infusion of a balanced, typical taste. | .jpg) Code: 298 | |
High quality Chinese green tea. A superior quality leaf Mao Jian type, tiny, rather firmly twisted leaf. |
-superior-green-tea-(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 299 | |
Výborná třída slavného čínského čaje z proslulých Žlutých hor - Huang Shan v provincii Anhui.  CZ-BIO-004 |  Code: 317 | |
Delicious the toppest grade of gunpowder type tea, one of the tribute teas for the imperial court. Infusion of a body, delicious, complex and complete, smooth, rich vegetal lasting taste with sweet spicy tones.  CZ-BIO-004 |
-(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 320 | |
Výtečný zástupce čaje Kabusecha (v překladu doslova - "zakrytý čaj"), jehož čajovníky se před sklizní na několik dní (cca 1-2týdny) zastiňují, kombinujíce tak vlastnosti Senchy a stíněného Gyokura  CZ-BIO-004 | .jpg) Code: 321 | |
Japanese basic grade green tea, convenient for daily drinking for its low ratio of theine. |
(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 329 | |
Excellent quality grade of this extraordinary tea. Infusion of a body and rich taste, particularly beneficial to health.  CZ-BIO-004 | -(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 333 | |
Japonský zelený čaj zpracovaný "čínskou metodou", list excelentní kvality, nálev výtečné, charakteristicky ořechové chuti. |
-(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 338 | |
 CZ-BIO-004 |  Code: 347 | |
Čajová rarita, vietnamská varieta čaje Pu Erh lisovaná do tvaru koláče o hmotnosti 420 gramů. |
 Code: 351 | |
High quality variety of famous Sichuan green tea. Light green infusion of a delicious, bitter-sweet, slightly spicy, floral taste with peppery grassy tones. |  Code: 354 | |
Delicious Chinese green tea from the Zhenghe region. A superior leaf with some ratio of evenly rolled, quite robust, very downy with white tips and sweet greenish fragrance. |
-imperial-green-tea.jpg) Code: 359 | |
Superb quality grade of Yunnan green tea from the early spring crop. Green tea of surprisingly refined taste compared not only to other yunnan green teas. |  Code: 365 | |
High quality grade green tea, one of the 10 famous Hunan province teas. First class leaf of sweet herbal fragrance with a high ratio of tips. Infusion smooth, body and complete, sweet-grassy taste, spicy herbal taste. |
-superior-green-tea.jpg) Code: 369 | |
One of the most famous teas of “Cloud and Mist”. Infusion of a body, complex and complete, floral, tippy spicy, delicious lasting taste. |  Code: 370 | |
Excellent spring green tea Jing Pai – Golden Fountain from Hunan Province. |
 Code: 374 | |
Výtečný zelený čaj z oblasti Lishui v jihozápadní části provincie Zhejiang, zelený list intenzivní ovocné vůně, svébytný čaj vynikající kvality. |  Code: 377 | |
Superior quality grade of traditional green tea. A leaf of very good quality, infusion of a fine taste. |
-(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 380 | |
Top grade of this famous tea. A leaf of exclusive quality. Infusion of a delicious taste and an extraordinary health effect.  CZ-BIO-004 | -(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 381 | |
Famous Chinese green tea of superb quality and typical look. Infusion of a delicious taste.  CZ-BIO-004 |
.jpg) Code: 382 | |
Excellent grade of this famous additionally fermented tea. A quality leaf with some ratio of golden tips |  Code: 383 | |
Excellent quality grade of well-known green tea from the famous Yellow Mountains – the Huang Shan in the Anhui Province. |
 Code: 386 | |
High quality grade of well-known green tea (placed in the "5 most famous chinese teas" list) from the famous Yellow Mountains – the Huang Shan in the Anhui Province. |  Code: 397 | |
Vrcholná, excelentní nejvyšší třída čaje Pi Lo Chun z jarní sklizně. Z proslaveného pohoří Dong Ting u jezera Tai. |
-superior-yellow-tea.jpg) Code: 399 | |
Selective quality grade of famous yellow tea from the Huo Mountains. Infusion of a complete, typically pleasantly grassy, sweetish, spicy taste with floral tones. | .jpg) Code: 420 | |
Směs několika druhů černého čaje zabalená v plechové dóze.  CZ-BIO-004 |
(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 430 | |
Exkluzivní třída tohoto slavného a oblíbeného japonského zeleného čaje, list exkluzivní kvality, nálev mimořádně harmonické a bohaté chuti, originální balení 50gr.  CZ-BIO-004 | .jpg) Code: 433 | |
(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 444 | |
 CZ-BIO-004 | -(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 447 | |
Překvapivě dobrá třída práškového čaje Matcha s příměsí cukru, určená k přípravě teplých i studených nápojů, čajové zmrzliny či k pečení.  CZ-BIO-004 |
-(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 449 | |
High quality, japanese green tea with extra GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) content due to specific production method.  CZ-BIO-004 | -(benifuki)-superior-black-tea-(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 450 | |
Rare top grade of Japanese black tea, from spring crop. Fruity sweet, plum taste with hints of almonds.  CZ-BIO-004 |
(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 453 | |
High quality grade of Japanese leaf green tea, harvested in the Kobayashi area made from single cultivar Okumidori.  CZ-BIO-004 | (cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 454 | |
Top quality grade of Japanese leaf green tea, harvested in the Kirishima area from single cultivar Asatsuyu.  CZ-BIO-004 |
(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 460 | |
The top quality grade of semi-shaded Japanese leaf green tea. A very delicious, full and complex smooth fresh greenish taste with sweet herbal and fresh grassy tones, hints of nuts, long mouth-filing aftertaste.  CZ-BIO-004 | .jpg) Code: 467 | |
Dobrá základní třída čínského černého čaje ovoněného mangem. |
.jpg) Code: 471 | |
High grade of Korean green tea from the first spring crop (Ujeon), cultivated in the Jeju island area. Infusion of a distinctively grassy, harmonious taste with sweety spiced tones, with similar characteristic for Japanese green teas.  CZ-BIO-004 | .jpg) Code: 473 | |
 CZ-BIO-004 |
 Code: 705 | |
Dried leaves of so-called lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus). | .jpg) Code: 716 | |
 CZ-BIO-004 |
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Červený rooibos s kousky broskve.  CZ-BIO-004 | -superior-black-tea.jpg) Code: 752 | |
Excellent rare and top grade of famous black tea named "Red plum". Full and well balanced, fruity sweet taste with plum hints and strong chocolate aroma and spicy tippy tones. |
 Code: 760 | |
Excellent quality grade of spring crop Nepal high-mountain tea (first flush). Infusion of a typically tippy spicy taste with sweet floral tones. |  Code: 763 | |
Vynikající třída polozeleného útesového čaje - yancha z pohoří Wuyi ze stejnojmenného kultivaru. |
.jpg) Code: 764 | |
Tea speciality – top quality black tea from Ci Li county in the Zhangjiajie prefecture.  CZ-BIO-004 | .jpg) Code: 767 | |
Excellent grade of chinese oolong Dan Cong type from the Wudong area in the Phoenix mountain range.  CZ-BIO-004 |
-superior-black-tea.jpg) Code: 770 | |
Tea speciality – black tea from the early spring crop, made from the Jin Guan Yin (Golden Goddes of Mercy) cultivar, grown in the lower parts of Wuyi mountains. |  Code: 774 | |
Vynikající třída polozeleného útesového čaje - yancha, ze skalního útesu v pohoří Wuyi. |
.jpg) Code: 775 | |
Excellent black tea from spring crop. Infusion of a full, rich, body, sweet-honey taste.  CZ-BIO-004 | .jpg) Code: 799 007013 | |
Velmi zajímavá třída čaje Pu Erh zeleného typu lisovaná do tvaru staré čínské mince - symbolu prosperity. |
.jpg) Code: 782 | |
 CZ-BIO-004 | .jpg) Code: 785 | |
Very good Nepal black tea from the summer crop (second flush).  CZ-BIO-004 |
 Code: 630 | |
|  Code: 845 046481 | |
A rounded tea tin with domem lid ideal for loose leaf tea. |
 Code: 809 | |
| (cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 438 | |
Very good quality grade of Japanese "deep stemaed" (Fukamushi) green tea, from the Trhiran area, made from single cultivar - Yutakamidori.  CZ-BIO-004 |
.jpg) Code: 401 | |
 CZ-BIO-004 | .jpg) Code: 439 | |
 Code: 207 | |
High grade of spring crop Taiwan Oolong from Ali Shan mounatins, produce from Chin xin cultivar. Delicious, quite full body, yet fresh, light green taste with gently flowery tones, great aftertaste. | .jpg) Code: 313 000118 | |
Popular additionally fermented tea of the green type, pressed into miniature “nests”. |
.jpg) Code: 942 000781 | |
Hand made candies flavoured with green Matcha powder tea. | -imperial-green-tea.jpg) Code: 406 | |
 Code: 843 083104 | |
|  Code: 843 083105 | |
 Code: 843 083107 | |
| .jpg) Code: 844 083210 | |
.jpg) Code: 844 083212 | |
| .jpg) Code: 844 083213 | |
.jpg) Code: 845 083101 | |
A rounded tea tin with domem lid ideal for loose leaf tea. | .jpg) Code: 879 080184 | |
.jpg) Code: 879 080190 | |
| .jpg) Code: 880 080187 | |
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| .jpg) Code: 881 080034 | |
 Code: 892 036275 | |
Kvalitní nerezové sítko, vhodné zejména pro přípravu jednonálevových čajů |  Code: 906 082856 | |
Kovová, výborně těsnící dóza na čaj s tradičním orientálním dekorem dívky připravující a servírující čaj. |
 Code: 906 082859 | |
|  Code: 906 082860 | |
.jpg) Code: 637 | |
Kvalitní směs bezinek, jahod, borůvek, černého rabízu a plodů černého jeřábu.  CZ-BIO-004 |  Code: 636 | |
 Code: 527 | |
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