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.jpg) Code: 290 | |
Famous and good grade of this traditional green tea. | .jpg) Code: 292 | |
Vynikající třída tohoto slavného čaje zvaná "špendlíková hlavička", díky nebývale drobným lístkům svinutých do typických, velmi malých kuliček. | .jpg) Code: 294 | |
Availability: Tea is not in stock, delivery date not confirmed Very good quality grade of this famous green tea. A good quality leaf, infusion of a harmonious taste. | .jpg) Code: 296 | |
The top quality grade of Chun Mee tea, a leaf of first-rate quality. Infusion of an excellent, harmonious and complex taste. |
.jpg) Code: 298 | |
High quality Chinese green tea. A superior quality leaf Mao Jian type, tiny, rather firmly twisted leaf. | -superior-green-tea-(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 299 | |
Výborná třída slavného čínského čaje z proslulých Žlutých hor - Huang Shan v provincii Anhui. |
 Code: 308 | |
Good quality green tea from the spring crop , picked at the Lincang area. |  Code: 362 | |
High quality grade of Yunnan green tea from the early spring crop, so-called “Downy Peak” – Mao Feng. |
 Code: 365 | |
High quality grade green tea, one of the 10 famous Hunan province teas. First class leaf of sweet herbal fragrance with a high ratio of tips. Infusion smooth, body and complete, sweet-grassy taste, spicy herbal taste. | -superior-green-tea.jpg) Code: 373 | |
Jeden z nejslavnějších čajů "mraku a mlhy" z provincie Sichuan, pěstovaný na hoře Meng-ting. Čaje z této oblasti jsou považovány za nejlepší z provincie Sichuan a místní Yun Wu je obzvlášť ceněn pro svůj dlouhý sladký aftertaste. |
 Code: 761 | |
Excellent grade of black smoky tea Lapsang Souchong from the famous Wuyi Mountains in the Fujian Province. A longer, high quality leaf with high ratio of golden tips. Infusion of a full body, rich taste. | |