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Code: 118 | |
Excellent Darjeeling spring harvest (first flush) of first class quality. Fresh yet full, rich well balanced, mouthfilling, floral and spicy taste, with herbal tippy flavours, delicious aftertaste. | Code: 133 | |
First rate high-mountain tea from the Nepal part of Himalayas. Summer crop (second flush) of an exclusive quality. Infusion of a delicious, full and deep, pleasantly bitter-sweet taste with light honey tones. | Code: 134 | |
Quality and very popular blend of Nepal high-mountain teas, a leaf of exquisite quality, infusion of pleasant taste. | Code: 137 | |
Exquisite Nepal green tea from the very early winter crop. Fresh and rich fruity taste, with pleasant lasting aftertaste. |
Code: 277 | |
Excellent and rare grade of famous white tea from Fuding area. Traditionally pure tippy tea - Bai Hao Yin Zhen (Flowery White Pekoe, Silver Needle) from the early spring crop before the Qing Ming Jie Festival. | Code: 279 | |
Very good grade of famous white tea from Fuding area, from the local cultivar Da Bai (Big white). |
Code: 371 | |
Top grade variety of white tea from Guang Xi province, pure tippy tea - Bai Hao Yin Zhen (Flowery White Pekoe, Silver Needle). Quality alternative to traditionally produced white teas in Fujian province. | Code: 757 | |
Vynikající vysokohorský čaj z jarní sklizně, list prvotřídní kvality. Nálev plné, vyvážené, ovocně kořeněné chuti. |
Code: 758 | |
Excellent summer crop Nepal tea of a dark character, a leaf of excellent quality with a surprisingly high ratio of tips. | Code: 759 | |
Top spring crop Nepal high-mountain tea (first flush). Infusion of a freshly greenish, spicy taste with floral-sweet tones and a light honey aftertaste. |
Code: 760 | |
Excellent quality grade of spring crop Nepal high-mountain tea (first flush). Infusion of a typically tippy spicy taste with sweet floral tones. | Code: 785 | |
Very good Nepal black tea from the summer crop (second flush). |
Code: 787 | |
| Code: 788 | |
Code: 789 | |
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