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Category: China teasgreen - China Sichuan E MEI YUN WU (CLOUD MIST) Superior Green Tea

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China Sichuan E MEI YUN WU (CLOUD MIST) Superior Green Tea
Code: 369
10g2.40 EUR
50g7.40 EUR
100g13.70 EUR
free sample

China Sichuan Ya An MENG DING YUN WU (CLOUD MIST) Premium Green Tea

One of the most famous teas of “Cloud and Mist” from the Sichuan Province, spring crop, appertain to so-called “tribute teas”. It is grown on the Meng-Ting Mountain, famous for the three rarities – rain, mist and clouds. Teas from this region are considered to be the best from the Sichuan Province and the local Yun Wu is especially valued for its long sweet aftertaste.

A wiry, dark grassy green, middle long leaf with a notable ratio of tips of an appropriate look and a distinctive fresh, grassy-sweet fragrance.
Bright green infusion of a body, complex and complete, floral, tippy spicy, delicious lasting taste.

Preparation tip: warm the teapot, add a tea filter with 6 – 7 g of tea, pour 0.3 l of water about 80°C warm, steep for 2 – 2.5 minutes. Another steep is possible.
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10g2.70 EUR
50g8.80 EUR
100g16.70 EUR
free sample
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China Sichuan E MEI YUN WU (CLOUD MIST) Superior Green Tea
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10g2.00 EUR
50g5.30 EUR
100g9.50 EUR
free sample
Vynikající zástupce zelených čajů "mraku a mlhy" ze slavné hory Lu-šan v provincii Jiangxi. Kvalitní list sladké bylinné vůně, nálev lahodné, květově zelinkavé, sladké chuti.

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10g3.40 EUR
50g12.50 EUR
100g24.00 EUR
free sample
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China Sichuan E MEI YUN WU (CLOUD MIST) Superior Green Tea
Code: 352
10g2.20 EUR
50g6.70 EUR
100g12.50 EUR
free sample
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China Sichuan E MEI YUN WU (CLOUD MIST) Superior Green Tea
Code: 359
10g3.50 EUR
50g13.00 EUR
100g25.10 EUR
free sample
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China Sichuan E MEI YUN WU (CLOUD MIST) Superior Green Tea
Code: 365
10g1.70 EUR
50g4.20 EUR
100g7.40 EUR
free sample
High quality grade green tea, one of the 10 famous Hunan province teas. First class leaf of sweet herbal fragrance with a high ratio of tips. Infusion smooth, body and complete, sweet-grassy taste, spicy herbal taste.

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China Sichuan E MEI YUN WU (CLOUD MIST) Superior Green Tea
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10g4.30 EUR
50g16.80 EUR
100g32.70 EUR
free sample
One of the most famous teas of “Cloud and Mist” grown on the Meng-Ting Mountain. Teas from this region are considered as the best from the Sichuan Province and the local Yun Wu is especially valued for its long sweet aftertaste.

China Sichuan MENG DING YUN WU (CLOUD MIST) Superior Green Tea

China Sichuan E MEI YUN WU (CLOUD MIST) Superior Green Tea
Code: 373
10g2.10 EUR
50g5.90 EUR
100g10.80 EUR
free sample
Jeden z nejslavnějších čajů "mraku a mlhy" z provincie Sichuan, pěstovaný na hoře Meng-ting. Čaje z této oblasti jsou považovány za nejlepší z provincie Sichuan a místní Yun Wu je obzvlášť ceněn pro svůj dlouhý sladký aftertaste.

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Code: 375
10g2.00 EUR
50g5.30 EUR
100g9.50 EUR
free sample
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Code: 384
10g1.70 EUR
50g4.10 EUR
100g7.10 EUR
free sample
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Code: 388
10g2.10 EUR
50g5.90 EUR
100g10.80 EUR
free sample
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China Sichuan E MEI YUN WU (CLOUD MIST) Superior Green Tea
Code: 761
10g1.80 EUR
50g4.60 EUR
100g8.30 EUR
free sample
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