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.jpg) Code: 298 | |
High quality Chinese green tea. A superior quality leaf Mao Jian type, tiny, rather firmly twisted leaf. |  Code: 308 | |
Good quality green tea from the spring crop , picked at the Lincang area. |  Code: 314 | |
Excellent green tea from spring, coming from the Sichuan Province. An evenly rolled long leaf. Infusion of a floral – spicy, light tipsy taste, slightly astringent with tones of ripe fruits. | -superior-green-tea-(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 319 | |
Vynikající zástupce zelených čajů "mraku a mlhy" ze slavné hory Lu-šan v provincii Jiangxi. Kvalitní list sladké bylinné vůně, nálev lahodné, květově zelinkavé, sladké chuti. |
 Code: 354 | |
Delicious Chinese green tea from the Zhenghe region. A superior leaf with some ratio of evenly rolled, quite robust, very downy with white tips and sweet greenish fragrance. | -superior-(raw-puerh).jpg) Code: 356 | |
The top quality Chinese green tea from the early spring crop. Infusuion of floral-sweet, grassy taste with a pleasant, slightly nutty flavour. |
-imperial-green-tea.jpg) Code: 359 | |
Superb quality grade of Yunnan green tea from the early spring crop. Green tea of surprisingly refined taste compared not only to other yunnan green teas. | -superior-green-tea.jpg) Code: 373 | |
Jeden z nejslavnějších čajů "mraku a mlhy" z provincie Sichuan, pěstovaný na hoře Meng-ting. Čaje z této oblasti jsou považovány za nejlepší z provincie Sichuan a místní Yun Wu je obzvlášť ceněn pro svůj dlouhý sladký aftertaste. |
 Code: 375 | |
Excellent spring green tea from the famous region surrounding Anhua village in the Hunan Province. A high quality rolled leaf of intensive sweetish fragrance. | -superior-green-tea.jpg) Code: 384 | |
Excellent green tea of “Cloud and Mist” type from the En Shi area. Infusion of a fresh, body, well balanced, rich and smooth, flowery and spicy taste with light bittersweet finish. |