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CZ-BIO-004  |
| 605 |
Vysoce kvalitní směs kousků jablka, hrušky, ananasu, zázvoru, okvětních lístků měsíčku, ibišku, šípku, citrusové kůry.
Složení: jablko, hruška, ananas, zázvor, okvětní lístky měsíčku, ibišek, šípek, citrusová kůra, přírodní aroma.
Tip na přípravu: 12 gramů čaje vsypat do čajového filtru, přelít 0,6l vroucí vody, louhovat 8 - 10 minut. |
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 Code: 600 | |
Quality dried fruits blend with coconut and lemon grass. |  Code: 601 | |
Quality dried fruits blend with orange peel. |  Code: 602 | |
Quality dried fruit blend, apples with tangerine, safflower and marigold petals. |  Code: 603 | |
Quality dried fruits blend with blueberries, grapes, black currant and hibiscus blossoms. |
.jpg) Code: 604 | |
Quality dried fruits blend with plum, apple and beetroot pieces and hibiscus blossoms. | .jpg) Code: 606 | |
Kvalitní ovocný čaj bez ibišku. Ovocná směs jablka, hroznového vína s myrtovníkem a měsíčkem, citrusové chuti. |
 Code: 607 | |
Quality dried fruits blend with sour cherries, grapes, rose hip, apple pieces and hibiscus blossoms. |  Code: 609 | |
Quality dried frutits blend with candy pineapple, mango and papaya, grapes, lemon, rose hip and hibiscus blossoms. |
 Code: 610 | |
Quality dried fruits blend with apple pieces, blueberries, rose hip, elderberries, strawberry and currant leaves and hibiscus blossoms. |  Code: 611 | |
Quality dried fruits blend with blueberries, apple and raspberry pieces, grapes, elderberries and hibiscus blossoms. |
 Code: 612 | |
Quality dried fruits blend with apples, papaya and ginger. |  Code: 613 | |
Quality dried fruits blend with apple pieces, rose hip, almonds, vanilla, cinnamon, rooibos and hibiscus blossoms. |
 Code: 614 | |
Kvalitní směs sušených kousků jablka, černého a červeného rybízu, jahod, červené řepy, ostružin, malin, bezinek, lístků rybízového keře a květů ibišku. |  Code: 617 | |
Quality dried fruits blend with candy pineapple, apple and coconut pieces, rose hip and hibiscus blossoms. |
 Code: 618 | |
Quality Christmas dried fruits blend. |  Code: 619 | |
Quality dried fruits blend with black currant, blueberries and black berries. |
 Code: 621 | |
Quality dried fruits blend with cranberries. |  Code: 622 | |
Quality dried fruits blend with banana and sour cherry pieces, candy pineapple, grapes and hibiscus blossoms. |
 Code: 623 | |
Quality dried exotic fruits blend with candy ginger pieces. |  Code: 624 | |
Quality dried fruits blend with strawberry and apple pieces, rose hip and hibiscus blossoms. |