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Code: 235 | |
The top spring Taiwan Oolong from the local varietal Jin Xuan (Golden Daylily). | Code: 289 | |
Good quality grade of the semi-fermented ball-shaped oolong tea from Anxi area. Infusion of a good, quite balanced, light flowery fragrant taste. | Code: 347 | |
Čajová rarita, vietnamská varieta čaje Pu Erh lisovaná do tvaru koláče o hmotnosti 420 gramů. | Code: 391 | |
Pevninská varianta polofermentovaného čaje typu Bai Hao z provincie Anhui výborné kvality. Nálev ovocně medové chuti s příjemnou kořeněnou složkou. |
Code: 393 | |
Good quality grade china continental version of famous Taiwan heavily oxidized oolongs - Bai Hao. Lighter body, nutty spiced taste with light honey tones. | Code: 769 | |
Very good grade of high-mountain Oolong from the cultivar of the same name, cultivated from wild growing Shui Hsien tea plants. |
Code: 283 | |
Very good quality grade of the famous semi-fermented tea. An evenly rolled leaf of a darker type.. | |