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Code: 247 | |
High grade of Yunnan black tea from the Lincang area. Iinfusion of a distinctively floral-sweet taste with strong honey and chocolate aroma. | Code: 252 | |
Slightly atypical but absolutely excellent quality grade of Keemun tea from spring crop. Infusion of a brisk, full and absolutely harmonious, honey-sweet taste and plain chocolate aroma. | Code: 253 | |
Particularly popular variety of Keemun tea. A leaf of the first quality grade and an atypical look, infusion of a delicious taste. | Code: 352 | |
Excellent Chinese so-called “Buddha´s Tea” (Fo Cha) – green tea, coming from the sacred Buddhist Jiu Hua Mountain in the Anhui Province. |
Code: 362 | |
High quality grade of Yunnan green tea from the early spring crop, so-called “Downy Peak” – Mao Feng. | Code: 383 | |
Excellent quality grade of well-known green tea from the famous Yellow Mountains – the Huang Shan in the Anhui Province. |
Code: 397 | |
Vrcholná, excelentní nejvyšší třída čaje Pi Lo Chun z jarní sklizně. Z proslaveného pohoří Dong Ting u jezera Tai. | Code: 411 | |
Code: 782 | |
CZ-BIO-004 | |