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Category: China teasgreen - China Guangxi BAI SE MAO FENG Special Green Tea

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Special Offer
China Guangxi BAI SE MAO FENG Special Green Tea
Code: 411
10g1.80 EUR
50g4.40 EUR
100g7.90 EUR
free sample

China Guangxi BAI SE MAO FENG Special Green Tea

Výtečný zelený čaj tzv. "Ochmýřený vrcholek" z oblasti Bai Se v provincii Guangxi.

Celistvý, tmavě trávově zelený, dlouhý list s vysokým podílem tipsů.

Nálev výborné, lehčí, trávově bylinnéí, zelinkavé chuti s lehce kořennou a květovou vůní.

Tip na přípravu: do vyhřáté konvice vsypat 6 - 7 gramů čaje, přelít 0,3l vody o teplotě 75 - 80°C, louhovat cca 2 minuty, možno znovu zalít.
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Code: 305
10g1.80 EUR
50g4.40 EUR
100g7.90 EUR
free sample
Quality grade of this traditional Chinese tea, harvested from semi-wild grown tea bushes, with an infusion taste reminiscent of excellent Yunnan teas.
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China Sichuan YIN YE (ROYAL SILVERY LEAF) Green Tea

China Guangxi BAI SE MAO FENG Special Green Tea
Code: 314
10g1.50 EUR
50g3.20 EUR
100g5.30 EUR
free sample
Excellent green tea from spring, coming from the Sichuan Province. An evenly rolled long leaf. Infusion of a floral – spicy, light tipsy taste, slightly astringent with tones of ripe fruits.

China Jiangxi LU SHAN YUN WU (CLOUD MIST) Superior Green Tea (CZ-BIO-004)

China Guangxi BAI SE MAO FENG Special Green Tea
Code: 319
10g2.00 EUR
50g5.30 EUR
100g9.50 EUR
free sample
Vynikající zástupce zelených čajů "mraku a mlhy" ze slavné hory Lu-šan v provincii Jiangxi. Kvalitní list sladké bylinné vůně, nálev lahodné, květově zelinkavé, sladké chuti.

China Guangxi WHITE MONKEY Special Green Tea

China Guangxi BAI SE MAO FENG Special Green Tea
Code: 354
10g2.00 EUR
50g5.50 EUR
100g10.00 EUR
free sample
Delicious Chinese green tea from the Zhenghe region. A superior leaf with some ratio of evenly rolled, quite robust, very downy with white tips and sweet greenish fragrance.

China Jiangsu Li Yang Ming Qian YU HUA (RAIN FLOWER) Imperial Green Tea

China Guangxi BAI SE MAO FENG Special Green Tea
Code: 359
10g3.50 EUR
50g13.00 EUR
100g25.10 EUR
free sample
Superb quality grade of Yunnan green tea from the early spring crop. Green tea of surprisingly refined taste compared not only to other yunnan green teas.

China Hubei Wufeng EN SHI YUN WU (CLOUD MIST) Special Green Tea

China Guangxi BAI SE MAO FENG Special Green Tea
Code: 384
10g1.70 EUR
50g4.10 EUR
100g7.10 EUR
free sample
Excellent green tea of “Cloud and Mist” type from the En Shi area. Infusion of a fresh, body, well balanced, rich and smooth, flowery and spicy taste with light bittersweet finish.

China Sichuan Ming Qian XUE YA (SNOW BUD) Imperial Green Tea

China Guangxi BAI SE MAO FENG Special Green Tea
Code: 385
10g2.50 EUR
50g8.00 EUR
100g15.00 EUR
free sample
Superb quality grade of green high-mountain tea from the early spring crop before the Qing Ming Jie Festival. A leaf of the first-rate quality, infusion of a slightly spicy, sweetish taste.

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