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 Code: 130 | |
Top quality srping crop (first flush) high-mountain tea from small mysterious Sikkim region north of Darjeeling. Whole, long, loosely twisted, tight rolled greener type leaf with high ratio of white tips (buds). | -op-sutton-special-black-tea.jpg) Code: 135 | |
South-Indian black lowland tea of very good quality, infusion of a strong, distinctive taste. |  Code: 140 | |
Very good quality grade of Assam leaf tea, infusion of a unique character. |  Code: 141 | |
Very good higher quality basic grade of Assam black tea. Infusion of a complete, full and robust, body, smooth taste, most typical for this kind of tea. |
 Code: 143 | |
First quality grade Assam black tea, highly favoured for its typical gingerbread taste and aroma. |  Code: 144 | |
Exclusive quality grade of Assam black tea. Infusion of an excellent, extraordinarily complex taste and aroma. |
 Code: 147 | |
Top Assam spring crop first flush of the highest quality. Rich, well balanced, floral-sweet, pleasant taste. |  Code: 148 | |
Top Assam spring crop first flush of the highest quality. Infusion of a body, rich, well-balanced, light floral, pleasantly bitter-sweet taste. |
 Code: 149 | |
High quality Assam black tea of the ”broken” category. High quality grade leaf with higher ratio of golden tip. |  Code: 153 | |
Excellent quality grade of Assam loose leaf tea, a quality whole leaf with high ratio of tips. |
 Code: 154 | |
Middle quality grade of Assam black tea of the “broken” type, a full, slightly astringent taste, convenient for daily drinking with milk and honey or for preparation of Yogi tea (Indian “white” tea). | .jpg) Code: 155 | |
 Code: 753 | |
Vysokohorský čaj z jarní sklizně, tmavšího charakteru, připomínající kvalitní čaje z darjeelingských čajových zahrad. Nálev plné, vyvážené, bylinné, lehce květové, tipsově štiplavé, kořeněné chuti. | |