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.jpg) Code: 9999 900201 | |
Černý čaj ASSAM BENGAL TIGER se vyznačuje sladce kořeněnou až vyzrále ovocnou vůní, sladově-robustní až trpce-sladkou chutí s vanilkovými, citrusovými i malinovými podtóny.  CZ-BIO-004 | (cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 710 | |
Bast of Tabebuia imetiginosa tree. Infusion with large amount of minerals and microelements with health- benefiting effects.  CZ-BIO-004 | .jpg) Code: 9999 900501 | |
Drátovitý list a ovocně medová vůně čaje se dobře snoubí s jeho osvěžující, natrpkle sladkou a hutnou chutí.  CZ-BIO-004 | .jpg) Code: 172 | |
Fine black tea from the Uva area. Infusion of a earthy-astringent, decently sweetish taste.  CZ-BIO-004 |
.jpg) Code: 245 | |
Excellent Fujian black tea rolled to flat, glossy needles. A leaf of the first quality grade, infusion of a delicious, unique taste.  CZ-BIO-004 | .jpg) Code: 782 | |
 CZ-BIO-004 |
.jpg) Code: 408 | |
 CZ-BIO-004 | .jpg) Code: 256 | |
Very good quality grade of Yunnan black tea, a bit loosely rolled wiry leaf with a perceptible ratio of tips.  CZ-BIO-004 |
.jpg) Code: 270 | |
Excellent grade of Pai Mu Tan tea, a leaf of the first quality, infusion of a mild, complex and harmonious taste.  CZ-BIO-004 | .jpg) Code: 246 | |
Excellent Fujian black tea of Panyong type, a leaf of the first quality grade, a unique delicious honey taste.  CZ-BIO-004 |
.jpg) Code: 260 | |
High selected quality green leaf tea aromatized with jasmine blooms.  CZ-BIO-004 | -oolong-imperial-grade-(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 755 | |
Vynikající třída proslaveného Yancha oolongu z pohoří Wuyi. Stejnoměrně volněji svinutý, nálev bohaté a komplexní, lahodné, harmonické, ovocně nasládlé, květové chuti.  CZ-BIO-004 |
.jpg) Code: 281 | |
Excellent grade of Yunnan Moon Light Beauty white tea. Robust downy tip with one leaf. Mild, herbal and floral taste with hints of honey sweetness and tones of well ripened pears.  CZ-BIO-004 | .jpg) Code: 769 | |
Very good grade of high-mountain Oolong from the cultivar of the same name, cultivated from wild growing Shui Hsien tea plants.  CZ-BIO-004 |
.jpg) Code: 767 | |
Excellent grade of chinese oolong Dan Cong type from the Wudong area in the Phoenix mountain range.  CZ-BIO-004 | .jpg) Code: 291 | |
Zakladní třída tzv. perlového čaje - zhu cha.  CZ-BIO-004 |