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-(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 432 | |
The high quality grade of Japanese leaf green tea, harvested from shaded plantation in the Takaoka area. Processed from single cultivar Saemidori. | .jpg) Code: 433 | |
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The top quality grade of Japanese leaf green tea, harvested from shaded plantation on the Tanegashima island. | -(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 447 | |
Překvapivě dobrá třída práškového čaje Matcha s příměsí cukru, určená k přípravě teplých i studených nápojů, čajové zmrzliny či k pečení. |
.jpg) Code: 451 | |
The top quality grade of Japanese leaf green tea, harvested from shaded plantation on the Tanegashima island. | (cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 465 | |
High quality grade of Japanese leaf green tea, harvested in the Hioki area made from single cultivar Benifuki. |
.jpg) Code: 467 | |
Dobrá základní třída čínského černého čaje ovoněného mangem. | (cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 438 | |
Very good quality grade of Japanese "deep stemaed" (Fukamushi) green tea, from the Trhiran area, made from single cultivar - Yutakamidori. |
(cz-bio-004).jpg) Code: 464 | |
High quality grade of Japanese leaf green tea from the Numazu area. First spring crop (Shincha). | |