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Category: Teapots, cups and sets

Items: 241
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Japan Matcha KINU Ceremonial Grade 30g (CZ-BIO-004)

Code: 457
Availability: Tea is not in stock, delivery date not confirmed
Dobrá základní třída čínského černého čaje ovoněného vanilkou.
10g10.80 EUR
30goriginální balení
29.40 EUR
free sample

Japan Matcha SHUSU Premium Grade 40g (CZ-BIO-004)

Code: 458
Dobrá základní třída čínského zeleného čaje ovoněného okvětními lístky jasmínu.
10g7.00 EUR
40goriginální balení
23.90 EUR
free sample

Japan Matcha AMA Standard Grade 40g (CZ-BIO-004)

Code: 459
Základní dobrá třída čínského černého čaje z provincie Yunnan.
10g5.20 EUR
40goriginální balení
16.70 EUR
free sample

Chinese porcelain tea bowl with sniffing cup - blue flower+

Code: 862 TP0021
Tea bowl with sniffing cup made of high quality Chinese porcelain, with blue floral pattern on white background.
Cena: 5.00 EUR

Chinese porcelain tea bowl with sniffing cup - figures

Code: 862 TP0022
Tea bowl with sniffing cup made of quality Chinese porcelain, greenish base with white chinese characters and traditional figurative decoration.
Cena: 5.00 EUR

Chinese porcelain tea bowl with sniffing cup - blue with flowers

Code: 862 TP0023
Tea bowl with sniffing cup made of high quality Chinese porcelain, greenish base with white pattern and colourful floral decoration.
Cena: 5.00 EUR

Chinese Yixing ceramic teapot 0.22 l

Code: 866 010036
Teapot from the famous Yixing pottery area, high quality clay with extraordinary properties, very suitable for the preparation of high quality infusion teas.
Cena: 49.20 EUR

Chinese Yixing ceramic teapot 0.2 l

Code: 866 010037
Teapot from the famous Yixing pottery area, high quality clay with extraordinary properties, very suitable for the preparation of high quality infusion teas.
Cena: 49.20 EUR

Chinese Yixing ceramic teapot 0.23 l

Code: 866 010044
Teapot from the famous Yixing pottery area, high quality clay with extraordinary properties, very suitable for the preparation of high quality infusion teas.
Cena: 49.20 EUR

Chinese Yixing ceramic teapot 0.22 l

Code: 866 010048
Teapot from the famous Yixing pottery area, high quality clay with extraordinary properties, very suitable for the preparation of high quality infusion teas.
Cena: 49.20 EUR

Chinese Yixing ceramic teapot 0.18 l

Code: 866 010143
Teapot from the famous Yixing pottery area, high quality clay with extraordinary properties, very suitable for the preparation of high quality infusion teas.
Cena: 49.20 EUR

Chinese Yixing ceramic teapot 0.24 l

Code: 866 010152
Teapot from the famous Yixing pottery area, high quality clay with extraordinary properties, very suitable for the preparation of high quality infusion teas.
Cena: 49.20 EUR

Chinese Yixing ceramic teapot 0.24 l

Code: 866 010158
Teapot from the famous Yixing pottery area, high quality clay with extraordinary properties, very suitable for the preparation of high quality infusion teas.
Cena: 49.20 EUR

Chinese Yixing ceramic teapot 0.2 l

Code: 866 010199
Teapot from the famous Yixing pottery area, high quality clay with extraordinary properties, very suitable for the preparation of high quality infusion teas.
Cena: 49.20 EUR

Chinese Yixing ceramic teapot 0.2 l

Code: 866 010201
Teapot from the famous Yixing pottery area, high quality clay with extraordinary properties, very suitable for the preparation of high quality infusion teas.
Cena: 49.20 EUR

Chinese Yixing ceramic teapot 0.25 l

Code: 866 010495
Teapot from the famous Yixing pottery area, high quality clay with extraordinary properties, very suitable for the preparation of high quality infusion teas.
Cena: 49.20 EUR

Chinese Yixing ceramic teapot 0.26 l

Code: 866 020483
Teapot from the famous Yixing pottery area, high quality clay with extraordinary properties, very suitable for the preparation of high quality infusion teas.
Cena: 53.40 EUR

Chinese Yixing ceramic teapot 0.19 l

Code: 866 020495
Teapot from the famous Yixing pottery area, high quality clay with extraordinary properties, very suitable for the preparation of high quality infusion teas.
Cena: 53.40 EUR

Chinese Yixing ceramic teapot 0.18 l

Code: 866 020507
Teapot from the famous Yixing pottery area, high quality clay with extraordinary properties, very suitable for the preparation of high quality infusion teas.
Cena: 53.40 EUR

Chinese Yixing ceramic teapot 0.23 l

Code: 866 033353
Teapot from the famous Yixing pottery area, high quality clay with extraordinary properties, very suitable for the preparation of high quality infusion teas.
Cena: 57.60 EUR

Chinese Yixing ceramic teapot 0.24 l

Code: 866 033356
Teapot from the famous Yixing pottery area, high quality clay with extraordinary properties, very suitable for the preparation of high quality infusion teas.
Cena: 57.60 EUR

Code: 866 110007
Cena: 49.20 EUR

Čajová konvice Yixing 0.18 l

Code: 866 110008
Cena: 49.20 EUR

Čínský skleněný šálek GAIWAN 100 ml

Code: 870
Čínský ručně vyrobený šálek s podšálkem a pokličkou z velmi odolného varného skla.
Cena: 12.50 EUR

Chinese porcelain tea bowl 8.5 cm (0.05 l) - twig

Code: 886 0F3405
Tea bowl made of high quality Chinese porcelain, traditional blue and white decor with branch motif.
Cena: 8.30 EUR
Items: 241
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