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Code: 9999 901700 | |
Bílý čaj proslulý svou jemně květovou až pivoňkovou vůní a nasládle bylinnou chutí s podtóny zralého ovoce. | Code: 9999 901701 | |
Bílý čaj proslulý svou jemně květovou až pivoňkovou vůní a nasládle bylinnou chutí s podtóny zralého ovoce. CZ-BIO-004 | Code: 270 | |
Availability: Out of stock, estimated arrival 1st half of December 2024 Excellent grade of Pai Mu Tan tea, a leaf of the first quality, infusion of a mild, complex and harmonious taste. CZ-BIO-004 | Code: 271 | |
Excellent grade of famous white, traditionally pure tippy tea from Fuding area. |
Code: 272 | |
Availability: Tea is not in stock, delivery date not confirmed Very good quality grade of Pai Mu Tan tea. A darker leaf with a high ratio of tips, infusion of a mild complete taste. CZ-BIO-004 | Code: 273 | |
Selective quality grade of white tea from the famous Fuding region in the Fujian Province. A high quality leaf with some ratio of long, densely downy tips. |
Code: 274 | |
Excellent quality grade of Pai Mu Tan tea, a leaf of first-rate quality, infusion of a mild, complex and harmonious taste. | Code: 276 | |
Výtečná třída Da Hong Pao, nejslavnějšího Yancha oolongu z pohoří Wuyi. |
Code: 277 | |
Excellent and rare grade of famous white tea from Fuding area. Traditionally pure tippy tea - Bai Hao Yin Zhen (Flowery White Pekoe, Silver Needle) from the early spring crop before the Qing Ming Jie Festival. | Code: 282 | |
Yunnan variety of famous white tea. |
Code: 413 | |
CZ-BIO-004 | |