China Zhejiang PINGSHUI RIZHU Superior Green Tea (CZ-BIO-004) |
CZ-BIO-004  |
| 317 |
China Zhejiang PINGSHUI RIZHU Superior Green Tea (CZ-BIO-004)
Delicious top grade green tea from the spring crop named after local peak Rizhu in the Pingshui area, famous for production of the pearl green tea, Gunpowder. Rizhu is the toppest grade of gunpowder type tea, produced onlay from the spring harvest, made from tips and one or two leafs. Rolled leaf shape resembles the pearl shape, yet more loosely rolled. During the Sung dynasty was Rizhu one of the tribute teas for the imperial court.
A whole, light grassy green, middle long leaf rolled in loose ball shape, grassy-sweet fragrance.
Infusion of a body, delicious, complex and complete, smooth, rich vegetal lasting taste with sweet spicy tones.
1) Preparation tip: warm the teapot, add a tea filter with 6 – 8 g of tea, pour 0.5 l of freshly boiled water, steep for 1 – 2 minutes.
2) Preparation tip: warm the teapot, add a tea filter with 6 – 7 g of tea, pour 0.3 l of water about 80°C warm, steep for 2 – 2.5 minutes. Another steep is possible. |
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Basic, really well-made grade of Chun Mee tea from the Hunan Province. A rather evenly rolled middle-sized leaf. Infusion of a balanced, floral, pleasantly herbal, decently astringent taste. |  Code: 304 | |
Excellent quality grade of famous green tea, named after one of the most famous places, the Lion Peak (Shifeng), from the early spring crop before the Qing Ming Jie Festival (also known as the Pure Brightness Festival or the Tomb-sweeping Day). |  Code: 309 | |
Higher middle grade of this famous green Chinese tea. Infusion of an excellent, typical taste, a leaf of surprisingly high quality. |  Code: 352 | |
Excellent Chinese so-called “Buddha´s Tea” (Fo Cha) – green tea, coming from the sacred Buddhist Jiu Hua Mountain in the Anhui Province. |
-imperial-green-tea.jpg) Code: 359 | |
Superb quality grade of Yunnan green tea from the early spring crop. Green tea of surprisingly refined taste compared not only to other yunnan green teas. |  Code: 370 | |
Excellent spring green tea Jing Pai – Golden Fountain from Hunan Province. |
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One of the most famous teas of “Cloud and Mist” grown on the Meng-Ting Mountain. Teas from this region are considered as the best from the Sichuan Province and the local Yun Wu is especially valued for its long sweet aftertaste. |  Code: 374 | |
Výtečný zelený čaj z oblasti Lishui v jihozápadní části provincie Zhejiang, zelený list intenzivní ovocné vůně, svébytný čaj vynikající kvality. |
 Code: 377 | |
Superior quality grade of traditional green tea. A leaf of very good quality, infusion of a fine taste. |  Code: 397 | |
Vrcholná, excelentní nejvyšší třída čaje Pi Lo Chun z jarní sklizně. Z proslaveného pohoří Dong Ting u jezera Tai. |
 Code: 761 | |
Excellent grade of black smoky tea Lapsang Souchong from the famous Wuyi Mountains in the Fujian Province. A longer, high quality leaf with high ratio of golden tips. Infusion of a full body, rich taste. | |