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Code: 167 | |
Good basic quality grade of black tea from a garden famous for its production of Ceylon highest grades teas. A well-rolled, long clear leaf of pleasantly sweet fragrance. | Code: 169 | |
Exclusive Ceylon black tea, a leaf of top quality grade, infusion of a complex, distinctively honey-fruity and floral-sweet taste. | Code: 170 | |
Basic grade of Ceylon black tea, a leaf of basic quality. | Code: 172 | |
Fine black tea from the Uva area. Infusion of a earthy-astringent, decently sweetish taste. |
Code: 174 | |
Higher grade of Ceylon black tea of nice look and good quality. A dark and tiny, needle-like rolled leaf with a very high ratio of silvery tips. | Code: 175 | |
Fine Ceylon black tea of a typical look as well as a taste character. |
Code: 178 | |
Black Ceylon tea, processed by a special method, a leaf of good quality and an atypical look. | |